Grass Fed Beef 101

Your Guide to Grass Fed Beef.


vs. Facts

Cooking With
Grass Fed Beef

Back to Basics.

The key to creating beef that’s a cut above comes down to two things: How the cattle is raised and what it eats. Allowing our cattle to roam the fields every day and fill up on lush grass – instead of grain in a feedlot – means you’re getting beef that’s juicier, tastier and packed with more nutrients and Omega 3s.

In other words, when you put the good stuff in, you get the good stuff right back. Which is why we’re so set on doing things the right way.

You Are What You Eat.

And when you’re eating grass fed beef from SunFed Ranch, you’re doing yourself a favor. Because every bite you take is packed with protein and nutrients, it’s a pro pick for people who are focused on fitness, as well as nutritionists, athletic trainers and those following a paleo lifestyle.

And chances are, if you’re reading this, you’ll be an instant fan of SunFed Ranch grass fed beef. One bite and you’re all in.

The Earth Loves it, Too.

When it comes to our beef, it’s about working with nature’s cycle to raise healthy cattle, who create healthy land. It’s that simple. Our cattle live the life they’re meant to. And because of that, we’re able to preserve land, watersheds and diverse wildlife, while increasing carbon sequestration in the soil. SunFed Ranch embraces regenerative agriculture—a system of farming principles and methods put in place to rehabilitate and enhance the entire ecosystem of the ranch. This is done by mimicking the vast herds of bison and large herbivores that grazed on and fertilized the soil before modern farming. In this case, it’s our cattle grazing on the grass, in turn, fertilizing it to keep pastures lush and healthy.

These practices are setting our generation apart from those who came before. Regenerative agriculture implements benefits that we can promulgate by utilizing new tools to not only further our efforts, but society as a whole. From field to fork, everyone wins.

Made for Each Other.

Our beef cooks up a little different than your same-old steaks. Lean, tender, and full of beefy flavor, the texture you usually try to achieve when cooking beef is already taken care of by nature. Because our steaks are leaner, they cook faster. You are best served using a meat thermometer. For medium rare, our favorite temperature, cook to 145 degrees and then let it rest about 5 minutes. And if you’re looking for tips on which wine to go for, we’re here to uncork some ideas.